Galapagos Photography Competition ends 3 June 2024

Deadline: 3 June 2024. Welcome to our 2024 Galapagos Photography Competition! We have six categories for you to enter:
– New Life
– Animal Interactions
– Colours of Galapagos
– Underwater Wonders
– Humans in the Archipelago
– Birds of Galapagos

A selection of the best images from each category will be shortlisted by GCT staff and then passed onto our panel of expert judges.

The judges will consider the originality, composition, clarity, technical excellence, overall impact and artistic merit of each of the shortlisted images. They will then select an overall winning and runner-up image of the competition, as well as a winner and runner-up in each of the categories.

Following an announcement of the winners, there will be a Public Choice vote. This will include all of the winners and runners-up as well as some of the shortlisted images. The public will then get the opportunity to vote for their favourite.

Our panel of judges this year includes wildlife presenter Hannah Stitfall; Galapagos National Park ranger and photography instructor Diego Bermeo; and Patrick Campbell, Senior Curator of Reptiles at the Natural History Museum in London.


The overall winner of the competition will receive:

– A year’s free membership of GCT
– A copy of GCT’s 2025 calendar
– Their winning image included in the 2025 calendar (if landscape format)
– Their winning image featured online and in the competition display at Galapagos Day
– The winner of each category will receive a copy of GCT’s 2025 calendar.

If you don’t win, don’t worry! Your image may still make it into our 2025 calendar!

* Only available for UK shipping

Photo Contest Website: